- Physician = Dokter
- Monarch = Raja/Ratu
- Knight = ya.....knight
- Spy = Kayak pencuri gitu
- Jacoban = ini kayak pendeta gitu
- ---Sejenis Jacoban (lupa namanya)
- Bard = Kayak orang yang suka main2in musik gitu
- Witch = Penyihir (topi nya kayak di harry potter deh )
- Merchant = yang tukang jualan
- Smith = Penempa
trus ada monsternya loh! nih pict nya, kalo lu buat masalah sama kerajaan ntar bakal dimakan ama nih monster!

Tapi gue ga pernah ngehukum orang dong........(ratu yang baik haha!) pernah sih gue ngehukum orang sampe hampir gue jeblosin buat dimasukin ke monster itu gara2 gue salah ngeklik. Pertarungannya sih.........lumayan 7/10 menurut gue karna pake strategy juga mainnya jangan di klik gitu2 doang ga menang2 ntar. Trus cheatnya ini cuma ada cheat uang >> kaching sama motherlode. Bagus sih jadi biar menikmati permainan~
Oh iya ini kekurangannya kalo misalnya lu udah nikah hero nya ga bisa di kendaliin si suami nya itu, anaknya juga jadi anaknya kerjaannya kelayapan mulu ga ada dirumah pas gue mau nyuruh dia beli makanan. -_- oh iya disini traits nya cuma ada 2 loh! yang 1 flaws ato sifat jelek kita,jadi ga repot gue dapet dari edenstyle.it
Adventurous, Chivalrous, Creative Cook, Dedicated, Earthy, Eloquent, Evil, Excitable, Friendly, Fun-Loving, Good, Greedy, Haggle, Hopeful, Orphan, Jokester, Loves Family, Scholarly, Solitary, Unkempt, Vain.
Bloodthirsty, Compulsive Gambler, Cowardly, Cruel, Cursed, Drunkard, Fool, Glutton, Hubris, Insecure, Insomniac, Licentious, Morose, Puny, Uncouth, Weak Constitution and “A whale ate my parents”.
Some of those traits &flaws are really funny. The best ones are Compulsive Gambler, Drunkard, Puny, Weak Constitution and “A whale ate my parents” (this last one seems to be related to a special quest).
Also, we can just imagine what licentious Sims are going to do! We must say that there’s a trait for every kind of hero you can imagine…
The personality is defined by the player himself, that has to choose between 2 traits and 1 flaw everytime he has to create a new hero.
For example, you can create an adventurous, chivalrous and cursed king, or a orphan, excitable and puny one. And what about a fun-loving, jokester and drunkard bard?
Gue sih sukanya pake kayak gini >> traits nya terserah tapi Flaws nya pasti! Complusive Gambler soalnya buat ngilangin mood jeleknya dia gampang.
Adventurous, Chivalrous, Creative Cook, Dedicated, Earthy, Eloquent, Evil, Excitable, Friendly, Fun-Loving, Good, Greedy, Haggle, Hopeful, Orphan, Jokester, Loves Family, Scholarly, Solitary, Unkempt, Vain.
Bloodthirsty, Compulsive Gambler, Cowardly, Cruel, Cursed, Drunkard, Fool, Glutton, Hubris, Insecure, Insomniac, Licentious, Morose, Puny, Uncouth, Weak Constitution and “A whale ate my parents”.
Some of those traits &flaws are really funny. The best ones are Compulsive Gambler, Drunkard, Puny, Weak Constitution and “A whale ate my parents” (this last one seems to be related to a special quest).
Also, we can just imagine what licentious Sims are going to do! We must say that there’s a trait for every kind of hero you can imagine…
The personality is defined by the player himself, that has to choose between 2 traits and 1 flaw everytime he has to create a new hero.
For example, you can create an adventurous, chivalrous and cursed king, or a orphan, excitable and puny one. And what about a fun-loving, jokester and drunkard bard?
Gue sih sukanya pake kayak gini >> traits nya terserah tapi Flaws nya pasti! Complusive Gambler soalnya buat ngilangin mood jeleknya dia gampang.
Oh iya maksud gue ngilangin focus minus nya biar dia jadi lebih focus gitu disini pake nya focus bukan mood tapi kalo focusnya jelek mukanya jadi jelek -__- terruuusssss oh iya! needs nya juga cuma hunger sama energy jadi ga repot deh tapi gue kalo main biasanya di cepetin sampe yang ke 4 soalnya jalannya lelet banget trus ga punya kuda lagi. ratu kere.
Dah segini dulu! daaahh
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