by 03.07 0 komentar
Hello blog! How's life? MISS YOU BLOG :*

Okay, tumben banget kan update sekarang.

So, how's my life?

This past three weeks, I've been REALLY REALLY REALLY BUSY. Karna yah, sebenernya gue emang "sengaja" pengen sibuk and I enjoy being busy. The reason WHY I intented to being busy because..

Personal Matters.

HAHA I'm sorry fellas, I couldn't tell you this because it really personal. There's a lot of problem within me, home, and something else. So, I just like to keep myself busy to forget my problem.

Yeah, I read some article in Kaskus how to forget our problem and not overthink to everything. I really an overthink person, I always think twice before action or else I'll regret what I've done like what I've done before.

And I realized this, everyone have their own problem. I realize as a unique situation haha, because it would be some lesson that I can't take in class. You can learn someone else mistakes/problem so you can avoid making the same mistake/create the same problem.

I love to enter a discussion with my friends, you know because it really opens my mind. And I realize that.......life is not easy, i just don't know that it would be this hard (Coldplay - The Scientist) HAHA BUT IT REALLY IS. I listened to her problem that she never face before, we give her an exit way (?) or just exchange the ideas to face the same problem that we face together, or else.

oke, ngomong apa sih gue.


I would like to tell you how busy I were now blog, tapi tetep aja sesibuk-sibuknya gue, ga ada yang ngalahin sibuknya anak BEM, MPM, atau HMJ HAHA (Good luck my friends in those three organization!)

First Week

Well, because I couldn't face my own problem anymore, I searched for a volunteer in my campus and voila! There's an open recruitment for being a volunteer in camping event and sport event. Sebelumnya, gue emang udah dikasi tau temen gue kalo sport event itu bakalan SIBUK BANGET SELAMA 8 BULAN YANG PULANG NYA SELALU JAM 9 MALAM.

But hey, I really need this. Gue harus sibuk. That's what I thought.

So, gue kirim lah CV itu ke 2 organisasi yang ngurus camping event + sport event. Malah tadinya gue mau kirim ke Art Event, cuma....yah nanti jadwal belajar gue berantakan banget lagi.

Sambil nunggu pengumuman diterima ato engga nya gue di acara itu, gue ke Jak Japan Matsuri! I will told you about this in another post, JANJI! Dan bener-bener hectic banget mulai dr gue ke JJM itu.

Sunday : JJM from 9 A.M. till 6 P.M. and then ke kondangan from 6. P.M till 9 P.M.

Yak, ini pertama kalinya gue ngehadirin kondangan yang bikin hajat adalah temen gue sendiri. Yup, my friend from Junior High, his sister is getting married! I feel so old now, because his sister is my big bro's senior. HAHAHA udah punya ipar lu kal.

Monday : Rapat

Yup, udah capek2 JJM panas-panasan plus pake heels cantik di kondangan, hari ini rapat pula dan itu huft bannget, tapi kalo inget acaranya camping, gue jadi semangat! Hahahaha that's why I really enjoy it.

Tuesday : Rapat

Yak, nyebelinnya ikut sport event ini adalah harus terima konsekuensi pulang malem terus. And yeah, i accept that consequences, karna lagi.....gue harus sibuk. Titik. Begitulah, memang disini kerjaan gue lebih berat karena acaranya yang emang gede banget itu bikin harus teliti dan kerjaannya terorganisir banget.

Thursday : Another Rapat :)

Rapat lagi ga capek? NO! Yang bikin capek adalah nunggu rapat di mulai, bukan rapatnya. Karna gue suka dengerin update-an masing-masing divisi terkait acara ini yang malah bikin gue tambah excited.

Friday : Tutor

This is another way to solve my one problem. Iya, salah satunya doang adalah dengan cara TUTOR! Alhamdulillah nilai-nilai gue bener semua pas semester 1 yang bikin benefit nya sekarang gue bisa nutor adek kelas dan pemasukannya lumayan, Salah satu buat dapet uang jajan tanpa minta orang tua adalah ini, tapi ya itu konsekuensi nya gue jadi terlalu sibuk ngajarin orang biar nilai dia bagus, sedangkan gue aja belom belajar, hiks. But I love teaching people! There's a pleasure when I know that my student have a good grade in the subject that I teach. Walaupun penyakit lemot gue masih akut jadi pas ngajar plin-plan gimana gitu, tapi untungnya cepet sadarnya jadi bisa di klarifikasi :"3

Resiko dari nutor adalah.........ngasi pengajaran yang sesat. Hal ini juga dialamin sama temen gue yang sama-sama jadi tutor buat adek kelas. Tapi gue netapin bahwa "Tutor engga menjamin nilai lo bagus kecuali lo emang serius belajar" :3 #azek #bijak

Saturday : Swimming + Tutor

HAHAHA BENERAN KOK GUE BERENANG BUAT OLAHRAGA. Karena temen-temen gue pada Muay Thai dan gue ga sanggup ikutan karna berat banget sampe-sampe vertigo gue bisa-bisa kambuh, jadi gue memilih buat olahraga renang with my mom biar hidup sehat! Apalagi bangunnya pagi-pagi and I just know that waking up early in the morning really increase my productivity, buktinya gue bisa upload video youtube 3 video. (udah direkam sebelumnya, kan di edit dulu).

Dan hal itu berlanjut ke....tutor lagi! That's why I really need saturday afternoon till sunday to be my own day. When I asked to teach in Sunday, please I don't have any time to pleased myself anymore so this is just the time :3

Okay sekian rutinitas gue 3 minggu dari sebelumnya dan yang akan berlanjut sampai tahun depan.

Salahnya gue adalah memilih acara yang hari H nya berdekatan! That's what making me really busy, but I love meeting new people in this new organization :3

Oh! I still manage my own t-shirt brand with my friends Othello! I've been working on the website, just stay tuned here when I released the website blog!

Thank you for listening to my story.

Farahiya (R) Adhani


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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