nah, di tanggal 26 oktober nanti tuh ada......................................THE SIMS 3 LATE NIGHT
nah, ini game kayak kalo di the sims 2 nya tuh the sims 2 night life, kalo the sims 3 namanya late night. nah ini dia apa yang bisa di lakukan di the sims 3 late night ini >> cekidot
Bridgeport is the new city of The Sims 3 Late Night.
The center is full of skyscrapers, clubs and high buildings.
Roads are very realistic and detailed, with billboards, traffic lights, cranes...
There are many clubs and places where Sims can spend the whole night and some of them are exclusive and for celebrities (or vampires) only.
Hottest places are indicated by a red circle (see the picture o the left) in city view. You can also know about them by reading the newspaper or talking with friends.
The city faces the sea and has a suggestive and big bridge that remembers cities like San Francisco and New York. Suburban areas are green and have normal houses.
Like in Sunset Valley, there are many households that live there. Can't wait to meet those new Sims and to know their story!
Bridgeport is the new city of The Sims 3 Late Night.
The center is full of skyscrapers, clubs and high buildings.
Roads are very realistic and detailed, with billboards, traffic lights, cranes...
There are many clubs and places where Sims can spend the whole night and some of them are exclusive and for celebrities (or vampires) only.
Hottest places are indicated by a red circle (see the picture o the left) in city view. You can also know about them by reading the newspaper or talking with friends.
The city faces the sea and has a suggestive and big bridge that remembers cities like San Francisco and New York. Suburban areas are green and have normal houses.
Like in Sunset Valley, there are many households that live there. Can't wait to meet those new Sims and to know their story!
ini salah satu yang paling bikin gw ngiler >>
Apartments are placed in skyscrapers are some of them are very expensive and reserved to very important Sims only. The view of the city from there is so beautiful! If you want to live there, you can choose to live in the Penthouse (the most expensive one) or on another floor (a bit cheaper). Those buildings also have an elevator (you can whoohoo in it, of course) and a hall with the intercom and a common mailbox.
Skyscrapers are a mix between a rabbit hole (like schools and other similar buildings) and a normal house. You cannot customize the exterior, but you can see the main entrance at the ground, the elevator, the hall at your floor and the apartment where your Sim lives. The rest is hidden.Buy/build mode is limited to your apartment
seru kan ada apartemennya segala? daripada the sims 2 kalo mau main yang ada apartemen nya harus beli expension pack nya lagi, kalo ini udah gabung semua di the sims 3 late night :D truusss ada stasiun bawah tanahnya!
Underground stations link different parts of the city. If you use them, you’ll be faster… but you risk to be mugged!

Underground stations link different parts of the city. If you use them, you’ll be faster… but you risk to be mugged!

ini juga salah satu yang bikin ngiler -_-
trus ada orang jualan sandwich keliling! hahaha, kalo tukang eskrim ada ga ya (?)
Sandwiches truck
A sandwiches truck goes around the city for the ones that want to eat something cheap without spending too much time. You know, in cities everyone is in a hurry!
According to Urbania Sims, it sells hamburgers, hot dogs, burritos, tacos and soups (also one for vampires).

A sandwiches truck goes around the city for the ones that want to eat something cheap without spending too much time. You know, in cities everyone is in a hurry!
According to Urbania Sims, it sells hamburgers, hot dogs, burritos, tacos and soups (also one for vampires).

apa lagi ini! kan kalo the sims 3 yang biasa tuh bajunya jelek2, apa lagi rambutnya, disini udah lucu2 gitu bajunya sama model rambutnya, mana ada aksesoris baru ya itu kalung! walaupun kalungnya ada yang kayak kalung anjing -_-
New clothes are amazing. Due to expansion pack’s topic, there are many beautiful dresses for discos and parties. There are also some news in nightwear and swimsuits categories, like corsets.

New clothes are amazing. Due to expansion pack’s topic, there are many beautiful dresses for discos and parties. There are also some news in nightwear and swimsuits categories, like corsets.

In accessories, you can find necklaces. They are both modern (great for goth Sims and teens) and classic.

daaannnn gilak! ada lagu2nya segala sekarang, lagunya dari band2 yang gw kenal kayak, My Chemical Romance (itu doang sih yang gw kenal -_- ) huahaha makin seru aja, ini dia list lagu2nya
- 3oh!3 – “Double Vision”
- Bryan Rice – “There for You”
- Chiddy Bang – “Here We Go”
- Electrolightz – “Miss Outta Control”
- Eliza Doolittle – “Rollerblades”
- Foxy Shazam – “Unstoppable”
- Hadag Nahash – “Lo Maspik”
- Hadouken! – “M.A.D.”
- Jessica Mauboy – “Saturday Night”
- Junkie XL – “Live Wired”
- Kelis – “Brave”
- Kelly Rowland – “Rose Colored Glasses”
- King Fantastic – “All Black Ying Yang (The Party Song)”
- My Chemical Romance – “Na Na Na”
- Nikki & Rich – “Next Best Thing”
- The Ready Set – “More Than Alive”
- Soulja Boy – “Speakers Going Hammer”
- Travie McCoy – “Need You”
nah, trus ya ada vampirnya loh! jadi yang terobsesi sama twilight saga bisa bikin virtualnya dsini (?) hahaha mana vampirnya yang gw liat disini cakep2 (?) trus ada kerjaan baru, kayak artis sampe ada paparazzi nya segala! trus ada alat musik juga huaaaah pokoknya keren, tapi.............................kayaknya gede ini memorynya sekitar 2 GB kayaknya, habis komplit banget -_-
Yak, semuanya gw dapet dari sini sumbernya >> klikaja
kalo mau buka yang lebih komplit klik aja link nya, dadaaaahhh ;D
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