Different Perceptions?

by 07.07 0 komentar
Hi blog! How's life? Its 7th term now, time flies huh?
Still, thanks to Informatic System assignment, I keep update this blog XOXO

Okay, so what we're gonna talk about?

Well, I enroll in 2 elementary school back then, first in Jakarta then in Tangerang. Its over 9 years ago since I left my elementary school, but I feel the difference now between the environment around there.

First, in Tangerang.

I don't know if it's common in big city, me, as a 20 years old, I see myself as a girl not a woman. You know what? I still play games, high ego, likes to hangout with friends, or such a thing. While some my friend has a new family now. Some by accident, some don't.

I've talked about this with my friend though. We've conclude that 20 years old is still a green. We don't experience things much, but why have our friends want to make a new family in such a young age? Okay, I know that some time we might go through that. But its just not the time right?

You (and I) still wants to hangout with friends, travel, pursue a good career, passions, or get a higher education, right? Kalo orang bilang, 20 tahun masa nya nikmatin diri sendiri sebelum dikekang with adult matters.

Yeah, 20 tahun masih dianggep bocah yang belum pernah ngerasain kehidupan.

In majority, my friend still wants to get higher education, get a good job, or just enjoy in this young adult's cycle. Disinilah letak perbedaannya,

Second, in Jakarta.

Mungkin memang lingkungan gue yang rata-rata menengah dan menengah kebawah membuat persepsi orang berbeda dengan teman-teman gue di Tangerang.

I still can't believe it, many of my friend who already have a job or get married. Its just like a usual tradition there. In my perception? Lu terlalu muda untuk melakukan semua itu.

But well, lets try to open our my mind, mungkin karena memang tuntutan? But, I know that some of my friend used drugs. He has a job, but use drugs. So, buat apa lo kerja kalo dipake buat hal yang ga penting?

I admire them who has work hard in a young age, they get a job soon after graduate high school. In Tangerang? No one has a full time job after graduate high school. What I see here, my friends in Jakarta have more spirit in hard work then in Tangerang.

Okay, mungkin karena lingkungan juga. Gue akui, gue juga manja kok.

Bahkan dulu guru SMP gue pernah bilang "Kalian yakin mau masuk SMA luar? Kalian pasti struggling buat penyesuaiannya, disini kan kalian dimanja banget".

Dan ya gue merasakan itu, pas SMA di institusi yang sama, gue merasa sangat manja. Walaupun gue sekarang dikampus yang isi anak manja nya "lumayan", tapi sulit untuk beradaptasi disini karena culture yang berbeda dari institusi gue dulu.

So, what else? Well, many of my girl friend have got married.


Okay, mungkin memang umur yang wajar untuk menikah tapi melihat gue dan teman-teman gue sekarang, bukannya kita masih cukup "bocah" buat ngelola rumah tangga? Buktinya kita masih sering labil tuh.

A unique story now, 2 tahun lalu, I met her in restaurant just to reunion. Well, She's still the same, we're just like a girl who just graduated from high school and wants to explore something new. But, last year She got married. Gue ga percaya 2 tahun lalu gue melihat dia masih sama bocahnya dengan gue, tahun lalu dia menikah, dan sekarang membayangkan dia mengurus anak. Like.....really? I still not capable to do that though.

Not just her, I've been told from my friend that my other girl friend will got married soon one by one.


Well, gue memang pernah menghadiri pernikahan teman gue....teman sekelas gue dan gue memang merasa dia udah pantas membuat keluarga baru so I have no problem with that (well sebenernya bukan problem juga sih bahas ginian).

Or is it just because I'm not ready to face adult life?

What I realized was, different environment gives different perceptions.

Mungkin menikah dan bekerja sekarang di lingkungan Tangerang ini adalah sesuatu hal yang aneh karena lingkungan gue semuanya masih pada kuliah dan masih suka main. But in the different place, in Jakarta, justru itu adalah hal yang wajar untuk seseorang yang udah lulus SMA.


Bye blog! XOXO

Farahiya (R) Adhani


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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